Meeting Minutes 10/17/07
Meeting Minutes
Neuroengineering Training Grant
Attendance: Nasir Bhanpuri, Gabriel Colon, Natan Davidovics, Issel Lim, Christopher Smith, Aaron Wong
There is a possibility of producing Neuroengineering shirts. I. Lim is working on a design; send ideas to her.
Essay Contest
Thus far, no applications have been received. The current deadline for applications is the first week of November; if no applications are submitted this deadline may be extended. The contest has been advertised in a few schools and on Fastweb, but further distribution ideas are welcome.
N. Thakor is interested in introducing a new section of the website where Neuroengineering-related job listings can be posted. A new blog will be generated for job listings, and a link will be included on the Neuroengineering website.
NIBIB Meeting
Representatives from the NIBIB are coming on Nov. 19th. To that end, student presentations must be prepared; they will occur from 11 AM to 12 PM and from 1 PM to 2 PM, with socializing time during the lunch hour in between. S. Hosmane and G. Colon are to be in charge of general logistics; I. Lim will spearhead the effort to compile the presentation. A general format for the 2 hours is as follows:
10:45-11:00 – Set up
11:00-11:30 – Overview of NETI
-NEWRON, Essay Contest, Website/Blog, Mailing Lists, Administrative Meetings
-Conferences, Workshops, Seminars (Clinical Seminar, Student Seminar)
-Classes, Rotations
11:30-12:00 – First round of student presentations
1:00-1:50 – Second round of student presentations
1:50-2:00 – Concluding remarks
-Where we’ve been and where we are heading (future directions)
The general format for student presentations will be about an 8 minute presentation with 5 minutes spent on individual research and 3 minutes discussing the impact the training grant has had personally. Of the roughly 5 slides, one should discuss rotations. Topics to emphasize include clinical relevance (note: key purpose of the training grant is to foster clinical collaborations!), tools being learned/using, and some data/results for illustrative purposes. All NETI members are requested to generate 4-5 slides and summarize any material for the NETI overview by Nov. 7. A practice run will be held Nov. 14 at 12 PM. If you must present at a certain time, please let I. Lim know.
A short summary of this program including names of speakers and their research topics should be produced for distribution at the presentation.
Upcoming Things to Note
Elections should be held soon, as new NETI members will most likely be selected some time around November. Also, progress reports must be written, compiled, and submitted around that time.
Next Meeting
All members are urgently requested to attend the meeting on Nov. 14 at 12 PM on Homewood, for purposes of practicing the NIBIB presentation and discussing last minute logistics.
Neuroengineering Training Grant
Attendance: Nasir Bhanpuri, Gabriel Colon, Natan Davidovics, Issel Lim, Christopher Smith, Aaron Wong
There is a possibility of producing Neuroengineering shirts. I. Lim is working on a design; send ideas to her.
Essay Contest
Thus far, no applications have been received. The current deadline for applications is the first week of November; if no applications are submitted this deadline may be extended. The contest has been advertised in a few schools and on Fastweb, but further distribution ideas are welcome.
N. Thakor is interested in introducing a new section of the website where Neuroengineering-related job listings can be posted. A new blog will be generated for job listings, and a link will be included on the Neuroengineering website.
NIBIB Meeting
Representatives from the NIBIB are coming on Nov. 19th. To that end, student presentations must be prepared; they will occur from 11 AM to 12 PM and from 1 PM to 2 PM, with socializing time during the lunch hour in between. S. Hosmane and G. Colon are to be in charge of general logistics; I. Lim will spearhead the effort to compile the presentation. A general format for the 2 hours is as follows:
10:45-11:00 – Set up
11:00-11:30 – Overview of NETI
-NEWRON, Essay Contest, Website/Blog, Mailing Lists, Administrative Meetings
-Conferences, Workshops, Seminars (Clinical Seminar, Student Seminar)
-Classes, Rotations
11:30-12:00 – First round of student presentations
1:00-1:50 – Second round of student presentations
1:50-2:00 – Concluding remarks
-Where we’ve been and where we are heading (future directions)
The general format for student presentations will be about an 8 minute presentation with 5 minutes spent on individual research and 3 minutes discussing the impact the training grant has had personally. Of the roughly 5 slides, one should discuss rotations. Topics to emphasize include clinical relevance (note: key purpose of the training grant is to foster clinical collaborations!), tools being learned/using, and some data/results for illustrative purposes. All NETI members are requested to generate 4-5 slides and summarize any material for the NETI overview by Nov. 7. A practice run will be held Nov. 14 at 12 PM. If you must present at a certain time, please let I. Lim know.
A short summary of this program including names of speakers and their research topics should be produced for distribution at the presentation.
Upcoming Things to Note
Elections should be held soon, as new NETI members will most likely be selected some time around November. Also, progress reports must be written, compiled, and submitted around that time.
Next Meeting
All members are urgently requested to attend the meeting on Nov. 14 at 12 PM on Homewood, for purposes of practicing the NIBIB presentation and discussing last minute logistics.
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